Churchyard Taskforce Days 2023

This year the Churchyard Taskforce days will mainly be on the second Saturday of each month, starting in May.

Sessions will run from 10:00am to 12:00 noon and 2:00pm to 4:00pm and we would be grateful for your help at either or both sessions

There are a wide range of jobs that need to be completed, to help maintain our churchyard. This includes

  • Litter picking
  • Clearing Ivy
  • Painting
  • Spreading seed
  • Weedkilling paths
  • Repointing Walls
  • Grass Cutting

So whatever your skills, there will be a niche for you and whether you can spare the time to help for jusy one session or many, we would love to see you on the dates below

  • Saturday 13th May
  • Saturday 10th June
  • Saturday 8th July
  • Saturday 12th August
  • Saturday 9th September
  • Saturday 14th October

Please bring your own gloves and tools if possible.