What can the Washingborough Group offer you?  | Services - There are services at St John's, Washingborough every Sunday morning (except when we have a Benefice Service) and there is usually (but not always) a service at St Thomas's, Heighington every Sunday. All Saint's Canwick have approximately 2 services a month. At least one of the services in the Benefice on a Sunday will be a celebration of Holy Communion. For details of what services are taking place this coming Sunday, visit the home page. In addition to Sunday services, there is a celebration of Holy Communion every second Wednesday morning at 10:00am at St. John's. See the "What's On" page for details. Most services are either Holy Communion or Morning Worship, but sometimes we have other types of service. For more information, click here. |  | Prayer - If you have a friend or relative in need of prayer and you would like us to pray for them, you can send us a "Prayer Request" by filling in the form on the Prayer page. |  |
Life Events - Life events include Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings and Funerals. These events have to be planned in, especially weddings, so if you are planning a Life Event and would like to hold it at one of our Churches, please contact us through the website.
The Church of England website has advice on those wishing to be Baptised or have their children Baptised and also advice on Marriage and Funerals. |  | Bible Study - We hold regular Bible Studies on Thursday evenings. These are currently held in the office at St John's church, Washingborough, and are led by Colin our Churchwarden. For details, please contact Colin at [email protected] |  | Mothers' Union - The Mothers' Union is an international Christian membership charity that aims to demonstrate the Christian faith in action through the transformation of communities worldwide. It unites Christians of all ages across the world. Through praying, campaigning and volunteering, members strengthen marriage and family life and bring about positive changes in their communities. Whether you are looking for support, fellowship, or simply a place to meet like-minded individuals, Mothers' Union is the place for you. Membership is open to anyone who has been baptised and who will support our aims and objectives. You don't have to be a mother, or in fact a woman. |  | Coffee - An opportunity for a sit down and a natter. There are regular coffee mornings, some of these at the Methodist Church, plus coffee is served after the services on Sunday and Wednesday morning. As you may have guessed you need to check the "What's On" page for details. |  | Parish Office - The office at St John’s is open from 9am to 12noon on Wednesday and Friday mornings. If you would like to enquire about any aspect of church activities do call in during these times or telephone the office on 01522 825920. We are looking for volunteers to help keep the office open during weekday afternoons too. If you are interested in helping in this way please contact the Churchwarden, Jonathan Clark, on 07879 475189. |  | Churchyard Taskforce Days - OK! Technically this might be more a case of what you can do for us. The taskforce days are run about once a month on a Saturday over the spring / summer / autumn period of the year. It is an opportunity to get together and tackle some of the jobs in the churchyard. Got some secateurs or an edging tool? Bring it along! Fancy strimming some grass? We've got a couple of strimmers that you can get to grips with. Got a chainsaw? Great! Because we haven't! Refreshments get served partway through the morning, which consist of tea, coffee and biscuits and Margaret's legendary cheese scones. Seriously the cheese scones are really good! As always you need to check the "What's On" page for details of when the next taskforce day is. |  | Community Fayres and Markets - We have the occasional Fayre and Charity Market throughout the year at the Washingborough Community Centre. Since these are occasional it is best to check the "What's On" page or contact one of the Churchwardens who will be able to tell you when the next one is. |  | Bellringing - The original "Heavy Metal Band". If you like making a lot of noise and going to the pub afterwards then why not learn to ring? For more details contact the Webmaster, Jonathan Clark (who also happens to be the Tower Captain). We meet on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at St. John's, Washingborough and on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at St Michael's, Waddington. We also meet on other nights at other towers in the area. For some more information on Bellringing, including our assorted practice nights, visit the Bellringing page. | |