Good Friday Workshop

On Good Friday, St John’s put on a morning of activities and workshops for children in the village. Eight children of various ages came to join us and we all had a wonderful morning, working and learning together.

First of all the children helped to clean the church ready for Easter, vacuuming and dusting, as well as helping to clean the brasses.

Next we broke into workshops where they could do a variety of Easter themed activities: making crosses and Easter cards; making Good Friday and Easter Sunday gardens and painting stones and salt dough shapes.

The children then helped to decorate the church with their handicrafts. We then had a break for drinks and, of course, hot cross buns.

Finally we rounded off the morning with a brief talk from Rev George and some rousing action songs, which made sure nobody nodded off in the pews!

Everyone had a lovely morning and we hope to run more sessions during the coming year.

Here are some pictures. Click on the picture for a larger version.



